News & Media

News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

Ryder Cup Talk in Campidoglio – July 2022

  • From 29 September to 1 October 2023 the Ryder Cup will take place for the first time in Italy and more precisely on the outskirts of Rome at the Marco Simone Golf & Country Club.
  • In 2023 Italy will be at the center of international attention.
  • The occasion of the Ryder Cup therefore becomes an incredible opportunity to (re-)launch Italy as a destination for world golf tourism.
  • For this reason, a conference was held in July 2022 in the Campidoglio (Sala Protomoteca) to present the tourist opportunities connected to the Ryder.
  • Within this event, Prof. Paolo Giuntarelli previewed the establishment of the DMO aimed at promoting the Lazio area and its proposition as a relevant destination for golf tourism.
  • The Adnkronos agency covered the event, relaunched this news in particular and created a journalistic video service broadcast on a network of 140 local television stations distributed throughout the country.
News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

Lazio Golf District hosts a German press delegation – September 2022

At the end of September 2022, the DMO Lazio Golf District, together with representatives of the Italian Federgolf, met a delegation made up of the specialized press and representatives of the Golf Federation from Germany, to visit together some of the tourist resorts in the Lazio area.

On this occasion Adnkronos gave coverage to the event by creating a journalistic video service and various interviews with the protagonists.
Antonio Stocchi, Marta Maestroni, Oliver Tzshaschel

News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa
News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

Lazio Golf District presents itself at the IGTM in Rome - October 2022

The Lazio Golf District takes center stage at the IGTM fair, the International Golf Travel Market, at the Nuovo Centro Congressi-La Nuvola in Rome. The DMO has thus been able to promote its activities and the Lazio region both from a golfing point of view and as a tourist destination in the context of the most important fair for operators specialized in golf tourism and in the collateral events organized for this target (eg. Trajan's Market event organized by Italy Best Golf)

News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

The institutional video of the Lazio Golf District DMO - January 2023

In January 2023, in view of the PGA Show in Orlando, an institutional promotional film of the DMO was produced.

News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

Lazio Golf District at the Pga Show 2023 – January 2023

Lazio Golf District has chosen to be present at the prestigious Pga Show 2023, a thematic fair on the world of golf at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando (FL), to promote its activities.

News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

Lazio Golf District at the Pga Show 2023 - Visit to the Consulate in Miami - January 2023

On the occasion of the mission to the PGA Show, the Lazio Golf District delegation presented the official Ryder Cup shirt to the Italian Consul General in Miami, Cristiano Musillo.

News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

Italia Report Usa

A journalistic video service and an interview with Consul Musillo were produced and published by «Italia Report Usa», an American (Italian-speaking) media with a large following in the areas of Florida and in New York for the Italian communities in the United States .

News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

Lazio Golf District at the Pga Show 2023 – January 2023

During the Pga Show, a massive international press office activity was launched with important feedback and the publication of news (233 articles).

News Lazio Golf District - Rassegna Stampa

Lazio Golf District at the Pga Show 2023 – January 2023

Also in Italy there was an excellent media response with about 145 articles published (together with the textual and video circuit of adnkronos)

Report complessivo

5 servizi video giornalistici realizzati + 7 interviste singole in video

  1. pubblicati sul sito (ca. 11 milioni di utenti unici/mese e 57 milioni di pagine viste-Google Analytics, ottobre 2022)
  2. diffusi e ripresi dal circuito di circa 50 siti con sezioni video di cui Adnkronos è content provider. Tra essi: Il Sole 24 ore video - Il Messaggero TV - Il Mattino TV - Leggo Video e altri
  3. trasmessi via satellite ad una rete di 140 emittenti locali distribuite sul territorio nazionale con una audience nel giorno medio di più di 2,6 mln di telespettatori
  4. Pubblicati sul canale YouTube di Adnkronos con circa 80.000 iscritti (complessivamente il canale vanta 65 milioni di visualizzazioni)

5 articoli testuali + 7 news (in testo) con dichiarazione degli intervistati

  1. diffusi attraverso il notiziario dell’Agenzia di stampa Adnkronos (oltre 600 abbonati)
  2. pubblicati sul sito (ca 11 milioni di utenti unici/mese e 57 milioni di pagine viste-Google Analytics, ottobre 2022)
  3. diffusi e ripresi dal circuito di oltre 50 siti partner di cui Adnkronos è content provider. Tra essi: Il Messaggero - Il Tempo - Il Foglio - Affari Italiani – Libero Quotidiano – Msn – Tv7 – Sport Fair e altri
  4. Diffusi sui canali social Adnkronos con complessivamente 800.000 followers/fan/iscritti

1 campagna media a livello internazionale (in occasione del Pga Show)

  1. ripreso/pubblicato da 232 testate, raggiungendo una potenziale audience di 98 milioni di lettori

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