If you are curious to discover the local traditions and the world of Lazio typical flavours we offer the experience of tasting excellent DOCG wines, such as the Cesanese del Piglio, or the DOP wine of Velletri.
But there are not only wineries. The territory organizes many fairs to promote its typical food traditions. Let’s come to Ciociaria to taste the EVO oil, alone or with a bruschetta of Pane di Veroli or, if you are at Castelli Romani, with pane di Genzano. Let’s try the coppiette and the porchetta of Ariccia IGP, the little strawberry of Nemi, the peaches of Castel Gandolfo, the grapes of Colonna, the Pecorino di Picinisco DOP, the Fagiolo Cannellino DOP of Atina”, the Peperone Cornetto of Pontecorvo DOP and all other zero Km typical products.
In this region also water deserves a taste. We are talking about the Acqua Fiuggi, famous for its healthy diuretic effects and the power to stimulate the kidney function.
Lazio Golf District promotes hospitality even on a table.
Let’s discover the warmth and the happiness which you can breathe at Castelli Romani, ordering na fojetta at the Fraschette or dining in typical restaurants and trattorias, where you will have the chance of tasting traditional first and second courses like the cellitti of Lariano with mushrooms, but also the coratella with the artichokes or the breaded costolette d’abbacchio, or in Ciociaria tasting theAmaretti of Guarcino drinking a Rattafia ciociara or a Sambuca of Collepardo.
Here you can fine some winery offering wine & food tasting: